Friday, August 1, 2014


I’ve always enjoyed telling a good story. Whether it is something I’ve imagined myself or the works of another creative mind, I just enjoy riveting the attention of a listener with some new imagining that they haven’t been a part of yet.

I wonder sometimes what it was like for the ancient storytellers, those who lived in a society where traditions and histories and family lineages were passed down around the campfire. I wonder at the honor afforded to a man as he relates the saga of a hero from his family, or the reception given to Homer as he recited the ancient adventures.

In our society, storytelling is mostly dead. Our people are too content to have their attention and time stolen a few seconds at a time, watching the next funny joke or cat video online. Social media has done much to eliminate this ancient way of society.

And yet there are still places where it thrives. My friends and I regale one another with stories on the weekends, and they have been patient in their suffering as I talk about the latest thing I’m writing. To my friends who play roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons, I salute you; in a very real way you are carrying forward the torch of those ancient storytellers.

Yet foremost among my appreciation to those who maintain the tradition is my own wife. Brittany has listened for literally hours and hours as I go on about my Dawnbringer series. She has asked questions that helped flesh out areas of that world that were lacking. Above all, she has been a voice of support when I’ve wondered if it was truly worth the time I’m spending.

Sometimes, when I’m ranting about my latest idea and telling her of cities and mountains that I’ve imagined in the tapestry of the mind, when I’m verging on becoming hoarse from speaking breathlessly to convey my ideas, I realize that I have been blessed with the perfect woman for my life. Her genuine interest in my love for storytelling, along with her passion for speculative fiction, has been a driving force that has kept me going.

So I take this space to say thank you to my wife. Through Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and countless more, we’ve shared a common love of stories and their importance to feeding our humanity. Through her love and support, she’s encouraged me to continue being a part of that storytelling tradition. Whether or not I ever sell my books, I will always have one dedicated reader that I can thank for making the time spent worthwhile.

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