Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thoughts by Threes

It has been quite some time since I posted. I've still had my nose to the grindstone with writing my second novel and completing the editing process on the first, but I allowed my blogs to suffer during that time. I'm back to give them more attention, and with NaNoWriMo on the horizon (geez, again already!) I decided to post one more piece of poetry before my life is once again embroiled in the 1667 words-a-day challenge.


Thoughts by Threes
Long to write
Choose to sit
Muse will come
Wait a bit
Baby’s laugh
Old man’s tear
Ponder pain
Fathom fear
Life so short
Burns too fast
Think how to
Make it last
At graveyard
Heard the sigh
Sobs have gone
Tears have dried
Life and death
What beyond?
Still unknown

Randall Madden

October 26, 2015