Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Progress Report - Book Finished! Again...

For the second time, I am ticking off the “complete” box next to the first Dawnbringer book!

When I finished the first manuscript several months back I was discussing it with Brittany. She has been a great source of inspiration and insight when it comes to the inner workings of my book, and after one of our late night discussions I realized that I was missing a major story arc that I really needed to tell. The book takes place during a major war, and the entire civilian population of one side had been left out of the book. I was busy looking for a way to showcase some aspects of their society, and Brittany pointed out the potential solution that I wound up taking.

So here I am, another 40,000 words later, and the book is done…again…sort of…

I have to go back and do my edits now, and I have a handful of small chapters that still need to be written. Once all of this is finished, the book will be ready for initial readers. I’m hoping this will happen over the weekend, but if I’ve learned anything through the book writing process, it’s that patience is an important virtue.

Stay tuned!

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